Figlia: TRE STELLE DRAGON GAMBAGIA - Soc. Agr. Cascina Sei Ore (BS)

Figlia: TRE STELLE DRAGON GAMBAGIA - Soc. Agr. Cascina Sei Ore (BS)
Excellent Udders and Type. High in Fat and Protein percentages, with the plus of K-casein BB and B-casein A2A2. The daughters of Dragon are well balanced with open ribs and correct rump angle. High in Heat Tollerance Index and Milkability Index.
USE ON: Nebula, Kubrick, Rally, Scipione, Brasileiro, Comedy, Sound System, Rodanas, Moondance, Jedi, Duke, Padawan, Bubba, Tabasco, Hotline, Gymnast, Perseus.
Last update: 2024 December
Milk | +388 |
Pr. % | +0,34 |
Pr. kg | +53 |
Fat % | +0,34 |
Fat kg | +54 |
Daughters | 1558 |
Herds | 474 |
Rel. % | 99% |
Sire calving ease | 97 |
Daughter calving ease | 108 |
Milking speed | 99 |
SCS | 101 |
Udder health | 99 |
Longevity | 106 |
Fertility | 106 |
Feed Efficiency Index (PFE) | 105 |
BCS | 85 |
Grazing | 104 |
Automated Milking Index | 101 |
Heat Tolerance Index | 108 |
Wellness Index | 102 |
K - casein | BB |
Beta Casein | A2A2 |
Beta - Lactoglobulin | AA |
Pro Caseus | 106 |