There are great news in the Evaluation of August 2022: Jarabe, Rivolto and Connery are the new Genomic Bulls of Intermizoo. They join at the genomic group composed by Paraguay, Redsamba and Isarco, which were presented after the Evaluation fo April 2022.

So, let’s check the results of this Evaluation:

  • In the PFT ranking, Ruelo is in the 2nd place (+4849 points);
  • In the IES ranking, there are 2 Intermizoo bulls in the top 3 2 tori su 3: Isarco and Wendat are in the 2nd and 3rd positions;
  • In the ICS-PR ranking, Geyser is in the 1st place again (+1686€);
  • In the Protein (kg) ranking, Jarabe and Isarco are in the top 5 with +91 e +89 kg;
  • In the Fat (kg) ranking, Kalinko is in 2nd place (+113 kg) followd by Rivolto(+106 kg).

Full rankings of August can be found here.


Ruelo is the 1stIntermizoo bull in the PFT rankings (+4849 points), ranking in 2nd place in the Italian Holstein Genomic chart.
The managment traits of Ruelo promise logevity, fertility and easy calves. He also has a great Udder Health Index (110) and great milakbility.


Scatman ranks in 2nd place for PFT Intermizoo Genomic Bulls and in 3rd place for IES.
Hi managment traits promise high udder health and low somatic cell count. His daughters will be characteriside by high longevity and fertility.
The BCS index of Scatman is positive, as the major part of the new generation Intermizoo bulls.


Wendat is the 3rd Intermizoo Bull for PFT (+4733 points), he also has great productions and lots of components with the plus of K-BB and A2A2.
His Management traits confirm his Economical Index (1369€). Wendat promises easy calves, longevity and daughter fertility.


Gotico comes from the family of Geyser P, from which derives his excellent health and management traits.
As a amtter of fact, he is high in calving ease (121) and longevity (121). He also has excellent Udder Composition Index and Udder Health Index.


Isarco has a totally different pedigree: Gladis X Chilton X Benz.
He ranks in 2nd place in the Italian IES ranking of August 2022.
Isarco has great and high quality productions: +102 kg of Fat and +89 kg of Protein, with the bonus of B-casein A2A2.
His management traits are also good: longevity (118), fertility (108) and easy calves.


Paraguay is one of the few sons of Parfect in A.I. He combines Type with Productions, with the bonus of K-BB and A2A2.
He also hasi great longevity (118) and daughter fertility (111).
Paraguay is a modern bull which ranks also good in the new ANAFIBJ Indeces: he has Automated Milking Index of 110 and Heat Tolerance Index of 110.