Since 1974 on breeders side
Intermizoo is an Italian A.I. Company working since 1974 in animal genetic field.
The Company born with the aim of merging the Regional structure in a single and more efficient system. The legal head office is in Padua, while the A.I. Station and the production facility are in Brussa Caorle, inside in a natural oasis of the Venice lagoon.
In more than 40 years of activities, the aim of Intermizoo is to increase the efficiency of dairy herd thanks to the genetic way.
The main business and experience is with Holstein Friesian dairy cows, but Intermizoo is working also with Brown Swiss, Simmental, beef cattle breeds, Water Buffalos and many other local breeds for maintain the genetic biodiversity.
The success of Intermizoo is the success of breeders
We provide breeders the best genetic choice, according of their selection program and goals. Intermizoo breeds high values Holstein Friesian bulls but also Beef bulls and Water Buffalos.
Intermizoo pay a particular attention to the progeny test, in order to evaluate as much objective and reliable its bulls: Intermizoo bulls have data stability over the time!
In the last years investments have been made in new facilities and in Research and Development, for instance Pro Caseus®, helping Intermizoo to be projected into the future.