Excellent results for the daughters of Verdiso at the 20° European Open Show (Verona, Italy)!

BEL VERDISO ENCORA owned by All. Beltramino S.S. di Beltramino F.lli e C. (Torino) ranked first in the Holstein Heifers from 15 to 18 months category. 
Moreover, she got the Holstein Heifers Honorable Mention.

Credits: Guillaume Moy

The daughter of VerdisoBEL VERDISO EBOLA owned by All. Beltramino S.S. di Beltramino F.lli e C. (Torino) ranked first in the Holstein Heifers from 12 to 15 months category last November in Montichiari (Italy).
In Verona, EBOLA ranked 2nd in the Holstein Heifers from 15 to 18 months category.


Credits: Guillaume Moy

Congratulations to All.Beltramino for these great results!